Stonecrest Citizens Coalition | Stonecrest, GA

A Citizen-Led Action Group Serving Stonecrest, GA

SCC is a citizen-led advocacy group whose mission is to educate and engage citizens and advocate for accountability, transparency and integrity in the governance of our city of Stonecrest, GA. We believe that “Good Governance = A Good Community.”

Welcome to Stonecrest Citizens Coalition

The Stonecrest Citizens Coalition, with its history of grassroots organizing and advocacy, is guided by Stonecrest residents committed to community engagement, dialogue and deliberation, transparency, and efficacy.

Our goal is to do transformative, impactful work informed by the community and by sound data-gathering and analysis that supports what the community wants and needs. Not just for the city’s sake, but for the benefit of everyone who lives, works and visits here.

Our Vision

One Stonecrest united under the concept of Ujima (collective work and responsibility), where the city government cooperates with its citizens to establish and maintain a government that is ethical, transparent and accountable. And where the citizens of Stonecrest are engaged collectively, to improve our quality of life as expressed in the city’s pillars of Live, Work, Play, Shop, Educate and Worship.

Our Mission

To improve the quality of life and prosperity for Stonecrest residents, business owners and other stakeholders through education, advocacy and action.

Our Values

Voter Engagement

Follow the Voter Outreach Turnout & Engagement (V.O.T.E.) Committee as they engage and inform citizens about the importance of voting in local elections and getting involved in local politics.

Community Dialogues

These conversations bring together candidates, city workers, teachers, and community members from across the city and the larger community to discuss significant problems in the public square. Participants and facilitators alike, we hope, will have a better knowledge of the obstacles and opportunities of community conversations.

Monthly Community Engagement Meetings and Community Forums

Engage. Get informed. Stay connected. Our community engagement meetings feature lively, interactive discussions on a variety of topics impacting Stonecrest and feature speakers from diverse backgrounds. Our forums cover community dialogues, public policy education, civic advocacy, voter engagement, and candidates for political office.